First-ever Flat Wound for my Rickenbacker Bass

This is my first trial for using Flat Wound bass strings. I’ve used Round Wound only, but felt longing for them through my pursuit of old-school bass sounds. However, I’ve postponed for a long time because not much chances to see them at stores, and you know, they’re expensive so I didn’t want to regret after the trial. Btw, basically bass strings pack is more expensive than guitar’s, even though just 4 strings… I bought La Bella’s.

I picked up my old Rickenbacker 4001 after a long time and changed strings for it.


とは言え、最近は楽器屋でもあまり見かけないし、使う人口が少ないからか、値段が高いというネックがあり、今まで何となくスルーしてきたのです。ちなみにベースの弦(セット)は基本、ギター弦より高いです。本数、少ないのに。今回はLa Bellaを買ってみました。

ということで、長いこと眠っていたリッケンちゃん(Rickenbacker 4001)を取り出してきて、古い弦を取り外し…


Opened the package and found dice like string number signs, thank you high-grade strings!

La Bellaの袋を開けると、弦の番号がついたサイコロみたいな目印が。さすが高級弦!


Oops, I cut too much for the 4th… wtf, this is expensive… but somehow went well, it’s ok.



Done! 張り替え完了!


Can you see the flat lines?



Looks so cool. Only bass players know it😅



And played it. I wondered if it might be difficult on some points of playability but not at all,  the touch of flat wound is very smooth and especially good tone when I use “slide”. I’m not interested in slapping so no problem with the point. Totally, the sound is warm, this is what I’ve expected. So happy to play with my brand-new “old” bass tones!

