
go greenの動画をアップしているYouTubeのSpunkToneチャンネル。だんだん動画の数が増えてきたので、トップにWelcomeビデオを作って、もろもろ整理しましたよ。


SpunkTone YouTubeチャンネル

Today’s Song for You – Clair (Gilbert O’Sullivan Cover)

Autumn has come to Japan. What is your Autumn song? There are many songs but somehow I’ve felt autumn from this song since my childhood, even though the lyrics are not related at all. Perhaps the melody and chord progression make me feel it. So, I covered this song for the first time. Hope you enjoy it!


Clair – Gilbert O’Sullivan Cover by go green (Lyrics on screen)

Earthquake -> CDs Stared At Me From The Floor






Early Saturday morning, a slightly big earthquake hit Tokyo and it made my CD shelf half-broken, many CDs covered with dusts were fell down on the floor. It proved that they were left without playing for a long time in this “IT” world.

I felt like these CDs stared at me from the floor… So I picked them up and cleaned up. Almost of them were CDs I bought during 90s, that’s the period of “I spent almost of money for them”.

During the cleaning, I found some CDs I don’t even remember, so started to play for checking. After all, that made me spent almost all day, with bringing back memories…

Some were good, some were not. But I felt good anyway since this was the Real experience, could not happen on streaming or YouTube.

Yes, I’ve thought CD is digital media for a long time. But actually this is analog as I cleaned the case, picked it up and played each artist’s CD on CD player!