Farewell To Neil Peart – さらばニール・パート

Very sad news heard this morning that RUSH drummer Neil Peart has passed away on Tuesday, January 7th 2020. He was the one and only drummer, and also a great lyricist and even a philosopher.

I heard the band name RUSH for the first time at the age of 14, listened to the album “Hemispheres” at my “sharp-eared” classmate’s room. There were so many LPs in his room – Sex Pistols album was displayed – but he said this is awesome. I was really blown away by the unexpected rock sound – the power and sensitivity, irregular time signatures, and extremely high-pitched shout. Several days later, the same friend let me listen to the album “A Farewell To Kings”. Our fever to RUSH was on fire but the both albums were so mysterious at that time, because no detailed info about the band.

He bought them at an import record shop in Kichijoji, Tokyo, but no further info found on music magazines nor TV. Nobody knows about RUSH in Japan, at least around me in 1978. So all we knew was artwork of LP jackets, member pics inside of them, and just music we’ve never heard before. That made me fantasized a lot about the world of sound and lyrics.

6 years later, I went to RUSH’s first and the last Japan tour at Budokan. It was Grace Under Pressure Tour. They could come to Japan after the big hit of the album “Permanent Waves”, followed by “Moving Pictures” “Signals” and “Grace Under Pressure“. I’ve already enjoyed the albums a lot, in spite of the Big Change from “Hemispheres”. I’ll never ever forget my uplifting feeling at the moment of “The Spirit of Radio” intro (it was the first song of the show). Yes, Neil was definitely one of the rock mentors of my puberty. R.I.P.



僕が初めてRUSHというバンドの名前を聞いたのは、14歳、中2のころ。近所の団地に住む、音楽に関して誰より早耳の同級生の部屋でした。彼の部屋にはLPが山のようにあり、当時セックス・ピストルズのアルバムが飾ってあったけど、これがすごいんだよと言って聴かせてもらったのが、アルバム「Hemispheres(神々の戦い)」でした。ロックだけど聴いたこともないパワーと繊細さ、変拍子と高音シャウトに圧倒され、ぶっ飛んだのを覚えています。しばらくして同じ友達に「A Farewell To Kings」を聴かされ、いよいよ僕たちのRUSH熱は燃え盛ったのですが、この2枚は当時とてもミステリアスな存在でした。



時は流れて6年後の1984年、RUSHの初めてで最後となった来日公演「Grace Under Pressure Tour」を武道館で見ました。その間にRUSHは「Permanent Waves」が大ヒット、さらに「Moving Pictures」「Signals」そして「Grace Under Pressure」も出た後で、「Hemispheres」までの大作志向から世界観もスタイルも全然変わった「Permanent Waves」に戸惑っていた自分も、この頃にはその変化を受け入れて楽しんでいたのでした。初来日の会場の熱気と興奮、そして1曲目「The Spirit of Radio」のイントロが始まった瞬間の胸の高まり! 今でも覚えているし、一生忘れないでしょう。




The albums I have now. Hmm, where’s the rest?🤔
Anyway, I’ve only listened to RUSH for a whole day by LPs and on the net…


My image of Neil is this era.😎


Epic RUSH instrumental song. Personally, much more favorite than “YYZ”.
“La Villa Strangiato” from “Hemispheres”

「コピらず死ねるか!」RUSH – The Trees (Intro)


”Can’t Die Without Covering This Song!”
Here the series comes back again!

RUSH cover by go green. Recorded on May 21, 2018.

I’ve deeply loved this song since the age of 14, tried to master it completely but still not be perfect after several decades(!), so I decided to upload my best so far (just intro). With bass and vocal.

Rush – The Trees (Intro)

#rush #prog #progressiverock #cover #coversong #psychedelic #psych #サイケ #rock #ロック #classical #nylonstring #guitar #rickenbacker4001 #ラッシュ #プログレ #カバー #完コピ #コピらず死ねるか #70s #gogreen #gogreenmusic #thegogreen #ゴーグリーン

シリーズ「コピらず死ねるか!」再開。Can’t Die Without Covering This Song!


Rush – A Farewell To Kings (Intro)

Alex Lifesonこそ我がギターヒーロー!

”Can’t Die Without Covering This Song!”
Here the series comes back again!

RUSH cover by go green. Recorded on May 15, 2018.

I’ve deeply loved this song since the age of 14, tried to master it completely but still not be perfect after several decades(!), so I decided to upload my best so far (just intro). Alex is definitely my guitar hero!

#rush #prog #progressiverock #cover #coversong #psychedelic #psych #サイケ #rock #ロック #classic #guitar #ラッシュ #プログレ #カバー #完コピ #コピらず死ねるか #70s #gogreen #gogreenmusic #thegogreen #ゴーグリーン

40th Anniversary of RUSH 2112

RUSH’s album “2112” was released on April 1, 1976.

RUSH is definitely one of the best rock bands in the world. When I was 14 years old, I listened to the album “Hemispheres” first time at the room of my classmate. Still remember that blew my mind and since then, I thought I wanna play bass freely like Geddy Lee someday.

At the age of 20, I was luckily enough to watch their one and only live tour in Japan at Budokan. Alex Lifeson started to play guitar intro of “The Spirit of Radio”, that was the most exciting moment of my life. Because, I didn’t think RUSH came to Japan for live act. And it’s true, the band hasn’t come back to Japan since then.

It’s sad that Neil Peart announced his retirement from playing live. His drum sound was always sharp and powerful, but in exchange, that made his body exhausted, I guess. So, the memory at Budokan goes to eternity inside of me. Anyway, happy anniversary!